Cal gay sex scene euphoria

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The couple released a joint statement saying: They welcomed two daughters, Billie and Georgia, before their split in February 2018. In 2011, Dane entered rehab for addiction to painkillers.ĭane and model Rebecca Gayheart married in 2004. “I don’t know what it’s like to be Cal, but I know what it’s like to live a double life,” Dane said. When you put up a facade, you’re putting up a facade, and when you’re being a certain way with certain people and another way with other people that transcends the specifics of the circumstances.”Įric told Vanity Fair that the double life he lived had nothing to do with suppressed sexuality and a lot to do with drug and alcohol abuse. The circumstances weren’t precisely the same, but it doesn’t matter. “I know what it’s like to live a double life. However, the following day, Jacobs’ girlfriend Marsha revealed she was pregnant, forcing him to adopt a closeted life.Įric told Out Magazine that he didn’t have to do much research to play Cal’s character because he knows how it feels to lead a double life. He and his friend Derek shared romantic feelings, but the times forced them to suppress those emotions and pursue heterosexual relationships.Īfter graduation, Cal and Derek shared a romantic moment at a gay bar. Flashbacks in season 2 of Euphoria reveal that Cal was a star wrestler in high school.

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